
飞机座椅在构成完整座椅的组件结构中使用多种非金属材料。 这些组件可以分为五个基本区域(见图C-1):泡沫垫,软包,防火布,注塑品和结构件。 所有非金属座椅零件必须符合FAR 25.853(b),(暂无具体要求)。 包括泡沫,软包和防火布(如果使用)在内的垫子也必须符合FAR 25.853(c)(座椅整体和材料燃烧测试)的要求。

C.2 Aircraft Seats

Aircraft seats use a wide variety of nonmetallic materials in the constructions of the components that make up a complete seat. These components can be grouped into five basic areas (see figure C-1): foam cushions, upholsteries, fire blockers, plastic moldings, and structure. All nonmetallic seat parts must meet FAR 25.853(b). The cushions, which includes the foam, upholstery, and fire blocker (if used), must also meet FAR 25.853(c).

